Cinnamon Storage and Transportation

Cinnamon Storage and Transportation: Ensuring Quality and Freshness

People prize true cinnamon for its unique flavor and aroma. To ensure that cinnamon retains its quality and freshness. Also, it is important to store and transport cinnamon under the right conditions. Learn about best practices for cinnamon storage and transportation and the steps we follow.

We take great care of our cinnamon during storage and transportation.

Storage Conditions for Cinnamon

At ACRIL TEA Private Ltd, we store both ground cinnamon and cinnamon sticks in tightly sealed containers. Further, we maintain cool, dark, and dry conditions in our cinnamon storage warehouses. Furthermore, we shield our cinnamon from the sun, rain, and extreme heat. Also, we keep our warehouses free from objectionable odors and insect infestations. Ventilation is also an essential part of cinnamon storage.

Furthermore, we fumigate our conventional cinnamon and issue fumigation certificates for shipments. However, for organic cinnamon, we can omit the fumigation process upon the client’s request.

Transportation Conditions for Cinnamon

When it comes to transporting cinnamon, we take every precaution to ensure that the spice is protected from the elements. We handle and transport all our cinnamon containers without exposing them to rain, sun, or excessive heat. We protect our cinnamon from external factors that may affect its quality or freshness.

Bulk Packing Options for Cinnamon

For our bulk cinnamon packing, we offer 25kg (1kg x 25) boxes for cut cinnamon and bales for uncut cinnamon. This allows for easy transportation and handling of the cinnamon while ensuring that it remains fresh and of the highest quality.

Choose ACRIL TEA Private Ltd for Your Cinnamon Needs

At ACRIL, we’re dedicated to delivering the best cinnamon: fresh, flavorful, and of the highest quality. We protect our cinnamon throughout the entire process, from storage to shipment. Contact us today to learn more about our cinnamon products and how we can help your business succeed.

cinnamon bulk packing
cinnamon bulk packing